This is a jQuery plugin for css3 animation.
This plugin allows you to show any element with css3 animation effect.
Link to this plugin's script and css
If you defined your original animation, it should be linked.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.animateDialog.css" /> <-- You can link to your original animation css. <link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.animateDialog.junk.css" /> --> <script src="jquery.animateDialog.js">
$("<selector>").animateDialog([message], [options]);
This plugin takes two parameters. All parameters are omitable.
Override animation related css. Allowed keys are follows.
All keys are corresponding to animation-xxxx in css3.
In jquery.animateDialog.css, 3 animations are defined.
If options parameter is omitted, fade animation is applied.
[HTML] <div id="dialog" class="animateDialog-default" style="display:none;"><span class="message">Hello world!</span></div> [SCRIPT] //Default fade animation.(3 seconds.) $("#dialog").animateDialg(); //Replace message $("#dialog").animateDialg("Fade in!"); //Fade with 5 seconds. $("#dialog").animateDialg({ "duration" : "5s" }); //Change animation to inout $("#dialog").animateDialg("Zoom in!", { "name" : "inout" }); //Junk samples.(Defined in jquery.animateDialog.junk.css) $("#dialog").animateDialg({ "name" : "translate" }); $("#dialog").animateDialg({ "name" : "rotate" }); $("#dialog").animateDialg({ "name" : "skew" }); $("#dialog").animateDialg({ "name" : "fullfull" });
'animateDialog-default' is simple fixed dialog definition.
Of course you can use more complex element.